
Happy New Year 2021

How are you, and which part of this wide world do you live?

There are obviously a lot or reasons, why I should be so thankful for having been so lucky to be living in Norway. I know it is difficult for someone at the moment to say, he or she is so lucky, if the very place he lives happen to be most affected of the Covid-9 pandemic.

It is however not my priority on writing this blog to be talking much about the pandemic, but it is my priority to e  greet you hello, I really hope you are just fine or just coping up, whatever the situation is for you, your family or your love ones.

It is now almost one year since the powerful virus have invaded Norway, and it might have taken more than one year since this foe has invaded and did a great devastations other parts of the world, but when it is said, it is also about time now, to feel some relief, as we can almost see some light by the end of this long tunnel, the  vaccines has at long last started to arrive at my end, and hopefully also at your end.

In as much as there are a lot of people who are  very skeptical, or maybe afraid or being unsure about these things, which is also understandable, but I, without  any doubt, firstly, due to my type of work, as fufgitwnurse working in one of the nursing home of the aged, and my health issues which I am not going to state in details, made a promise to myself, that I am going to take the vaccine.

This decision was one of the easiest that I made, not solely, but also  with the consent of my children.

It is indeed my greatest wish of the year 2021, that the whole world will be relieved, healed, and be back to normal again, with people holding hands, kissing and hugging the love ones.

Once more, we felt in our heart and our body and soul, how empty, how lonely, how cold and how indifferent it is and also painful to live in a world without near social contact, During the pandemic, we all have experience living painfully, alone in a solitude. The pain of losing love ones and various crisis as direct consequence of the pandemic is boundless and enormous an unfathomable.

We may, by the very beginning of this year dare to hope, to listen to oureart and our soul, that good time, happiness, light, love, renewed inspiration, dreams to come true, and its fulfillment will mark the era of a new and enlightened mind, at peace with one another.

Dear everyone, we all need to stretch and reach hand to one    O


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