
Happy New Year, Godt Nytt År 2020

Happy New Year everyone :)
I have been away for too long, and need,ess to say, I have been too busy to write new blogpost.
But when it is said, I have missed blogging.
There is one great news to tell. And that is I have been busy between job as nurse and my new role
As grandma. My eldest daughter became  mother to my wonderful grandchild, Kira, and that happened Jan. 28 almost a year ago, meaning my granddaughter will celebrate her first birthday, on Jan. 28, 2020. What a joy this child has brought to us in the family, and yes also to the nearest friends.

We are very glad  and thankful for the new family member.
We decided to protect Kira’s privacy and will not publish any photo of her, whileshe is still a child.
When she is big enough to understand, we will allow her to decide if she wants to appear on the social media.

At the moment, we will give the child the natural protection and privacy that she needs, then we will guide her into the road of life full of challenges and responsibilities, but most of all, a life filled withjoy, fun and love.

With love and best wishes to all <3

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