
Happy New Year from Bergen, Norway ! Godt Nytt År (Happy New year, Bonne Nouvelle Année)

Hallo everyone :)

Thank you so much for your patience, time and devotion following me somehow for although
I have not been present on my blog regularly, I am sincerely thinking about everyone of you, the
best possible I can from my own honest and humble world.
As a nurse working 100 % and with my ailing health with so much allergies and some lung disorder as a direct result of a stressful life. I don't think, despite of my devotion and love, I can ever be well-fit to live in a cold country like Norway. Now approaching in a high speed manner my 62nd year, I am seriosuly considering a retirement plan which every citizen who has been working the last 7 eyars in Norway, can avail of. a so-called contractual pension, I may not be able to suggest the correct term in English, but it simply means that I can, avail some amount of my pension already 1 month after my 62nd birthday whihc is in Feb.13. I do not have the whole idea about it yet so I am still waiting for replies of my e-mails to respective offices regarding these things.
I considered my AFP  as one of the most important things to occur this year, but only a second place to consider with regards to my new role, a soon to be grandmother to my first grandchild, a baby girl Kira. My eldest daughter Stephanie Michelle will hopely to deliver a heathy baby girl around the same time of my birthday 13-17th of February. What a wonderful New Year gift to all of us in the family..

So there you are, I am wishing from my own little corner of the world, each and everyone of you wonderful people and lovely and unique creature you are, including the plant-life and the animal-life
a wonderful and beautiful peaceful yer 2019. <3

Dare to make new New Year resolution and dare to challenge yourself to stay-put and with full motivation everyday throughout the year 2019.

Below are some photos (poor quality though) taken at 1 o clock past midnight of 01.01.2019 at the heart of one of the most beautiful and intimate city of the world- Bergen, Norway.

The view  of the downtown road, photo taken from  the entrance of the Fløibanen.

Me by the Julemarked.

The beautiful furu leaf  from the very good friend  Anne karin.

The facade of the famous Bergen Funicular.

The Fest.plassen of Bergen - the beautiful little city between 7 mountains.

Bergen during winter.

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