
Inspirational : Diana Grace Bjørkhaug and her inspiring vlogs.

Dear folks,

As you can see, I am not blogging that much unlike before about my own interest, own life and happenings anymore, it is not that I don't like doing it anymore, but since I have started working as nurse at a new working place starting last january of this year, I am more often exhausted after a hard days work which happens oftentimes now, therefore, I am normally tired nowadays and theres not much energy left at  the end of the day to blog. I am missing it though. (and I hope to have a good comeback later). So what happens is, that I need an inspiration myself, something that can renew my energy. I found out that my daughters video(s) are an inspiration to me. And I have good reasons to sit down, relax and watch.
Diana and me have  a lot of things in common. Lately she is into minimalistic lifestyle, as a sequel of her video about vegetarianism etc.


She and her boyfriend has moved to a new apartment which is very near her school, and less than 10 minutes to walk for her, and also about 10 min. for her boyfriend to walk to his work. Prior to the home transfer, she was able to get rid of approx. 60% (maybe  ore) of her material belongings, making her transfer an easier one, compared to mine. She continues to inspire through every small thing she is doing, every day now. She is chaging her lifestyle into a better one that gives her peace-of-mind, and HARMONY !

It is indeed favorable for me as mother that Diana has found a place to live which is also very near his brother's apartment. My son has moved there in July and it is only 3 min. to walk from Diana's. My second child, Stephanie is frequently on visit to her sister's and brother's place nowadays. She lives centrally too, but is a 15 min. ride by car to her place.

So much for that update, before I close my old laptop for today, I wish to remind you all to please
share Diana Grace's  Vlog to anyone and let anyone be inspired by her work. Needless for me to say, I felt so blessed as mother and as a person and felt privileged to have children like mine. Specifically, I need to mention Diana on this respect, thinking that she is into inspirational work that is worth tlking about and share her work for, thanking everyone for reading and for your time with me and with Diana, don't forget to subscribe on her channel at Youtube.


Yours truly <3

Adelina :)

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