
My holistic attitude towards nursing...

Employed as nurse at Fantoft Omsorgssenter. Having the role as responsibility nurse as part of my duty for the whole Care-center consisting of 6 nursing-homes departments. a care-plus dept, and a stay-collective, is incredibly challenging and hectic but also incredibly rewarding. I love being with the elderly and old residents.
My approach in nursing is holistic, thinking that my patient is a unique individual with a story of his/her own. To be able to do an optimal nursing job, I think it is important to look and see the person behind the sickness. ..
. and to dare meet the resident/patient on their most vulnerable time, you may feel vulnerable too as a nurse...and meeting can truly be either a meaningful one or a negative experience for you , for the resident, or for both... but taking such a risk is but a part of your job...and inorder to develop yourself.

In norwegian: Et samspill.
Alle mennesker bruker tegn, symboler og språk for å gi mening til sine omgivelser. Men meningene blir ikke skapt i et tomrom. Det å tilskrive mening til tegn, symboler, ord og handlinger skjer i samspill med andre mennesker. Meninger er ikke tatt ut fra «løse luften». Det skjer hele tiden en forhandling om mening i de pågående samtalene i et samfunn (Holm & Skorgen 2006).

Happy being a nurse in my own little way. 

In english : On interaction Everyone uses signs, symbols and language to make sense of their surroundings. But opinions are not created in a vacuum. To ascribe meaning to signs, symbols, words and actions done in collaboration with other people. Opinions are not taken out of "thin air." It happens all the time a negotiation of meaning in the ongoing discussions in a society (Holm & Skorgen 2006).

Good communication, good nursing-skills, plus the personal factors like respect, emotional stability, physical and emotional endurance, creativity and flexibility, attentiveness, problem-solving skills, interpersonal skills and empathy are important areas a nurse should develop, at all times. Team and diversity: I consider working with different people from diff. nationalities and cultures as positive. Bridging the gap between nationalities, culture and race is an area of interest. I like working in a team of wonderful individuals, creating something together in synergy.  It felt good yesterday when I was done with the nursing report at 3 p.m. to hear a positive remark as follows:

It is wonderful to have you as a colleague here at the nursing home. You are hardworking girl and are amazingly clever giving 150% of yourself to the job. And on top of that, you are always in a good mood. We will miss you when you leave !

Yes, it is indeed lovely to be missed and it is wonderful to be appreciated as a colleague, as a nurse and as a person.
My holistic attitude towards everything that I do, seeing all sides, inside and outside as much as possible, embracing the negative and the positive aspect of a human being, is my own little secret for success, not only as a nurse but as
an individual,

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