
Happy New Year !

Happy New Year everyone :)

New Years most significant message to share.

I have experienced something terrible and unbelievable just around the New Year that has taught me a lesson, or has taught us a lesson, hopefully ! It was a sad incident that i am not going to go into that
has jeopardized my plans, our plans, and as far as i can see now, everything has fell into gravel .
I have gone into a soul-searching /self scrutiny process..to get insights and hopefully to get answer where we have gone wrong..

One week has passed and life's getting better. But I am still sick..with flu and sinusitis, so I have to work on it  too by getting a lot of rest and take life at a slower pace...this is the chance and i grab it with both hands. Carpi Diem ! ;)
It is cold in Bergen, so I must not go out uneccessarily in the cold. And it surely was the right thing to do keeping my body warm, boosting my immune system with help of plenty warm ginger drink with honey. And what helps the most is plenty of sleep..and I've got quality sleep ( between 7-8 hours) for one week now. It feels wonderful with a renewed energy, I am on sickleave until the end of this week. Suits me real fine.
Time heals all soar..and pain. Feeling that burdens are lessened, feeling better day after day, for I am positive that it will, so it happened. Strange... but everybody is talking about  revenge, hatred when someone has done something wrong against them...
But I am not one of them obviously, and I can't just follow their rules and not my own, just to please others. I don't feel hatred, I don't know if this is normal or abnormal...
Thinking back, I don't think I'ved  ever hated someone either, despite of all the bad experiences I have been through. I believe my definition of grudges, hatred, and yes also LOVE, which is the opposite of hate..is rather complex and I, as I always will, don't blame all that happened by choosing someone to blame to making me directly an offer. In a relationship, as well as in marriage, I believe it is not right to put the blame on one person, it is not as simple as it sounds,

On hatred.

Buddha would encourage us not to hate. According to psychology.com
"Hatred never ceases through hatred; hatred ceases through non-hatred" is a well-known passage from The Dhammapada.

 We may find it easy to agree with the first assertion, but find the second one to be more problematic. Yet, think of Nelson Mandela who spent 27 years in prison and emerged, not bitter or angry, but with an open heart that allowed him to do so much to heal the wounds in South Africa and to inspire people around the world to pursue a path of peace.

Time heals, so I better be patient. 
Life has to go on..i believe, meanwhile, I should not forget how happy we once have been, before things got rough, and  remember all the wonderful things that we shared together, the laughter, the jokes, the music,  and I am ever thankful for those experiences. I am still grateful and happy with the thoughts. 

And lastly, we must remember all the beautiful people around us who love us, who support us, for whatever my decision is , they will support me, they are also willing to go through the road & walk through the rain..if I let them ! And lastly but never the less, we don't need to be alone with our burdens, for there's is always someone out there who would be willing to extend a hand and a shoulder to lean and to cry on :)  <3

Photo taken on Jan 2, 2017..
"Smile even if your heart is broken,
for it speeds -up the healing process"

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