
The 2016 presidential election... was like choosing between two evils !


The important keywords are : Manipulation and control.

Each party manipulates and exercised control via electoral college.
and it is easier to control a few than to control the many !! Thats why
republican wins, because upon learning which it was going, they started
to manipulate. The way I understood it, the republican concentrated
themselves or manipulated their way thru the  smaller states, lets say with 100 voters  on the smallest
state ( with very few counties) and for example another state ..of let's say 200 voters.
The state of Florida is bigger than these two states mentioned above and so the number of their voters
but the principle applied are the same with regards to the Electoral College system used.


Maybe the intention was good but the effect was catastrophic for the democratic party.
I am simply saying... both parties were involved but there is always a loser and a winner
but the winner of this "crazy-game" is the person whom the world has acknowledged for being
totally unfitted to the role as president of the world's greatest and most powerful nation !
Isn't it ironic, that America, with its multiple number of states could really have mistaken that much?
I am just asking ! or I would rather say... using electoral votes may have served the purposed of the
election during the early years, but not anymore !....
Lots of factors involved.. and I think the main contributing factor is that the people of the world is the social media. People of the world are talking and are interactive. The communication system is rush and effective. People are more open to express opinions for bad or good. Thru the internet the world becomes one, and people communicate with each other  across different time zones around the globe. The information and communication technology has changed the everyday life of people and most of them are using this to their advantage, an important tool within everyone's reach and the value of which should never be under estimated.

I think Trump has each own influenced for he is using his Tweeter more actively than Clinton. She was not active in the social media at such.
"Every little thing and every little steps can make a little impact, several small impacts
contributes to a giant impact like the election result, which according to the news, was totally unexpected!"
Well, that was naive to use the word "unexpected" for even if both candidates were so unpopular, one of them would win the crazy race, simply because there was no other option left.
How I wish the Green party or Bernie Sanders were still contenders on this election, for then it would
be more realistic for people to really vote for the best...

There was unluckily no such things like "to vote for the best candidate"
It was like chosing between two evils !...

It is very crucial moment, and we need to pray for our existence and the future of the next generation.

I always say and say it again...." EVERYTHING IS INTERCONNECTED" meaning if USA
has problems, the rest of the world will also have.
Personally, I can say, there is nothing we can do as a citizen but to be aware and use our head and our hearts and get involved ! Thru the social media, we need to show our global commitment for each
and everyone and stay united in peace and improvements, not war !

The way I look at it on the pessimistic side, there is a great trouble coming, if the newly elected president doesn't care to pay attention on what is happening on the diplomatic arena where leaders discuss global issues and concerns for peace, greener future and a the sustainable and fruitful world thru diplomatic arrangements.

And lastly but not the least, I hope and pray that Trump will grow up like growing up "overnight" and take seriously the role as president of the worlds most powerful nation...
We will give him the chance to prove his worth !

And for the rest of us, let us not lost hope, we must not stop contacting each other and inspire each other in this difficult moment. It is now that we really need each other and support one another in any way we could using the social media. Let us open up our eyes and invite everyone to come with some
constructive and encouraging ideas. We need to stay united, and build up a synergy towards a sustainable world. When we can no longer trust our leaders, then we as citizens of the world has to unite and build positive influences on important issues where the political leaders have failed.
The peoples power has proven to be the most solid and effective power there is. I hope we do not need to go that far like global revolution against the political power. Then we are talking about global
anarchy or chaos with catastrophic consequences.


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