
Worth waiting for !

I know for sure,
 that there is a special place in my heart, 
that only you can fill,
So i guess, I love you,
Loving you includes number of days,
 weeks and months of waiting.
 But if waiting means that i will have you in the end,
then it doesn't matter that I wait for days, weeks and months 
for I know
that you are my true love
 and true love are worth waiting for! 

If the person you are waiting for is the person you love then
it makes you happy when he finally arrives.

 and you may even love
him more! 
The more you work and exert energy for something
 you want to achieve,
 the more priceless it becomes once you achieve it.
And the more pain and struggle to endure on your journey,
the sweeter the arrival at your destination..
All good things are worth fighting for
and are worth waiting for !

(some  of the words here
 are borrowed from somewhere)

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