
New Updates - 02.Sept.2022

First of all, let me wish everyone hello, how do you do! 

So today is a significant day for me - Sept. 2, 2022. - I feel more alive and vibrant ! Two years
of stress and anxiety is over. 
I have been inactive for two years, but I learned a lot about myself and our vulnerability as human beings. It was also like hibernation period of my life. When everyone has to stay home for most of the time. Limiting the social interactions with people. 
The world has to learn something new inorder to cope up with the epidemi and to survive as a nation.  A shift of focus. As a nurse professional,  I needed to be there where I was needed to be, at my job and with my family. I had to reassure myself that we were coping up despite of covid treats and worries. Myself, by looking at other areas of my life. My health has also suffered both before and after I got Covid. The whole family was. But has recovered fairly. I really couldn't complain. While drowning myself with my work at the nursing home as a 100% employee at a nursing home. It was a necessity, every-one has to contribute, pulling the resources available, during the time of scarcity. Like very few health professionals in terms of needs. We had to call back the people who were on vacation and also calling the senior and retired nurses to go back to work, by offering them a fair compensation.  Norway has its own challenge during the pandemic, social and economic challenges. 

Norway, 2022, is post pandemic year, everything is back to normal. 
But for the rest of the world, still suffers post-pandemic sufferings with worsen economy and scarcity of prime commodities. This is due to the war in Ukraine, that started in Feb, and still ongoing, while the world was trying to recover from the pandemic period 2020-2022.
The world has changed, our attitude has changed, our life has changed. The society is getting cHopefully for much greater good. While the world is trying to recover from the pandemic, 

War is meaningless, it harms the natural environment. War contaminates earth, air and water. War destroys the very fundamental things in life - stability, security and economy.
War has lead to greater sorrow, sadness and sufferings, trauma, anxiety and greater emotional stress. 
The directly and indirectly the consequence of war is felt throughout the world. 
The Russia-Ukraine war is having an outsized impact on the global supply chain, impeding the flow of goods, fueling dramatic cost increases and product shortages, and creating catastrophic food shortages around the world, according to experts at a virtual symposium hosted by the MIT Center for Transportation. 
As the economic crisis and recession affects individuals on the physical level, the post-traumatic disorder or PTSD, stress and anxiety affects on the psychological level. 

And we knew that worst is yet to come. We hear it and we feel it. let us tighthened the belt and start to take necessary measures.

  1. Maximize Your Liquid Savings.
  2. Make a Budget.
  3. Minimize Your Monthly Bills.
  4. Closely Manage Your Bills.
  5. Non-Cash Assets and Maximize Their Value.
  6. Pay Down Credit Card Debt.
  7. Get a Better Credit Card Deal.
  8. Earn Extra Cash.
(Sources: Google)


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