
Having children is fabulous (according to me)

Howdy folks :)

It is Saturday and I am too alive. It is 12 at noon, and I truly have more energy today than yesterday.
And it is very understandable. I am going to join with my children in three great activities in Bergen City today with their love-ones.
First to the Cinema. We will watch Bohemian Rhapsody, then go the cafe, unsure where to go this time, but there are a lot to choose from, then lastly but not the least, to the billiard, and this doesn't mean we go to a special hall, but to a pub who has a special room for billiard enthusiast to play billiard with friends, while having fun with their favorite Saturday drink. Cozy and inviting atmosphere. I am indeed happy today.

Me, and my two fab.daughters. Diana Grace and Stephanie Michelle. 

My youngest, Diana Grace 

My eldest Bruce, Stephy and her husband Johnny.

It is not difficult to play the role of a mother when you have children who likes to play the wonderful role of being children, regardless of age. My role includes to give them what they do not need, lavishly, that is all my intention, when they are in my home for a visit or for a week-end visit, I cook and prepare foods both healthy foods and unhealthy foods, it doesn't matter, it s week-end. And I am happy they are around and they are now 35, 28 and 23 yars of age.
My 28 year old daughter is bearing a baby, so she is soon to becom a mom herself, and me becoming a grandma. What a joy ! <3 :)

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