
Hi everyone,
I've been missing my blog and the activities around it. There are a lot of reasons
why I needed a recess from my blogging activities. I felt I had to. The job-stress and the situation in general became too much to tackle., so I resigned. But got a new job right away. So lucky, and I am so glad for it.
Yes thank heavens adn the universe for peace and harmony and thank God Almighty for the blessings.

Now I am gladly on the bloglight again and I am happy for that.

Regarding my other blogsite -  the Alternative Adelina, this has not been operative for a long time as well, and I was not glad for the decision of not being active, but I gone out of inspiration and really didn't time for it anymore.
Now , the second time around,  I am deemed to make a come-back, awith renewed energy, yet I have not spend my vacation,, not before the 29th of Nov. Looking forward to it, I'll not go that far, nor travel abroad, I'll just enjoy and take care of myself, doing my hobbies and work a bit, at home. But I will take trips on the woods and forest, to ground myself. Feel the earth under my feet.
I feel I become stronger than ever, feeling more fitted to do a good job as nurse and still have capacity and ease to cultivate my hobby and interest in alternative therapy and healing when I come home from job, and that is realy great !

So I hope I have not lost my followers, after being so silent for very long time.

On my other site, the Alternative Adelina, I will be posting  more often than here on this site, because I know I have been neglecting despite of my promises earlier that I would be posting a lot of stories there, about strange stories I expereinced myself. but failed to do so, I am sorry for it ! Feeling a little bad about it (my conscience, you know) So  now I will try to make up for the lost time, it is never too late !

Thanks for the patience.
With love and light and fresh healing energy to everyone ! <3

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