
Inspirational: On pallative nursing.

It was my evening duty yesterday. It was less than 4 days ago since one of our most wonderful patients has left this world. And he would have turned 88 by next month. But he couldn't anymore
take food nor drink. There was something wrong in his digestive system that got worsen for few days, The situation became acute. And old people with so fragile health can not take stressful treatment in the hospital anymore for it is against its purpose. These decision are pre-concluded and is set on a system  for very old people, hospitalization should be done in a very special cases.
 So as a nurse, I dedicate most of my time on the patient for the last 4 days before he died.  Everything that I've learned about nursing, with focus on pallative care, has been applied, to the best of my ability.
The evening before, when I came home, I felt exhausted, yet glad and contented. For I know, that, I've been able to be with the family on the most difficult moment like this. Watching their father's
weary and old body to ebbing away.

Three long days for me as nurse-incharge on pallative nursing. Wednesday at 30 min.past midnight
this patient died on the hands of the nurse incharge on night-shift. She said " While talking to the next of kin of our patient on the cellphone, he got worse there on bed, which he has been lying on the last 4 days. Then he died, 25 past midnight.
It was a very strange atmosphere that met me in the morning, when I assumed my dayshift. Not strange really knowing something natural (as this is a part of life) had occured during the night.
I was actually glad it was over, the misery has ended, he is now in heaven, I know !

All three children, thankful and grateful of all the help and care that we gave.
I said, there is nothing to thank for, for it was my duty and my desire to take care of the patient.
I was thankful to have given the chance, as a nurse and a caregiver.

Pallative care.
Like touching and holding the patients hand...
 It is soothing and also reassuring.

Pallative, is the ultimate nursing experience one can have, and it shoud be meaningful, as this is the last phase of person'slife here on earth. going thru the process, does something to you as a nurse, holding the hands of the dying person is so especial and the atmosphere is very especial too.
Moments like this are there many of in the home nursing, life must go on mentality, is to be uphold, there are 7 others to take care of, and another new day is about to come.

My strenght is my own reassurance that myself needs to have everyday, knowing that I did my best, and i strive to do my best always, sacrificing some lunch, for at the end of the day, I know I can say to myself....You did a good job Adelina, also today,...and it is that important to me.

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