

The dictionary defines emotion as
a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
"she was attempting to control her emotions" 
Emotion for me is what makes you human,
it is life itself.
so one should respect one's emotion, learn each of them 
learn how you respond on them , and learn  to manage it, 

Rest assure that
as you grow older, you will also discover some changes on yourself, hopefully for the better,
that you become more comfortable with yourself, that hard feelings
will not be so hard to deal with anymore.
that any form of emotion ( say : feeling angry) can be governed  wisely specially in social situations,
but not necessarily suppressed.
You can always try to communicate what you feel, to someone, but not necessarily intimidate in public.
you will with time, be so clever to communicate with ease and poise, and never lose temper,
and you will surprise the people around you.
The feedback from others may surprise you. If you get feedback that is extraordinarily good, then you know that you have come that far in your presonal development.
My little story:
It happened one time, long time ago, that I got so mad to someone, that time it was towards my boyfriend, I was terribly mad inside me of  the things he said to e in the presence of  6 of my colleague. I pulled him aside to have a talk with him, alone I discovered that I  was the one who had the upperhand.
but through the course of anger, I  stayed calm, my voice not trembling, but according to him,
my face expressed  the feeling, in a manner, he had never seen before, I looked so calm, not smiling, my pitch was nor high nor low, but the words, were like dagger.
He felt so small and so ashamed, and he could never forget that  night.
I earned his respect.

I remember, I was so calm, yet  so strong and  compelling.
Because, you have managed to calm your nerves, that even if you were angry to the person you are talking to,
you still managed to lower your voice, and your face calm.
these things does not come easy, you will, with time, learn how to govern yourself and
your emotion , and end up living a healthy happy life.


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven . . .
A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance . . .”
--Ecclesiastes 3:1,4


Thanks to Nettavisen

Thanks to Tes

It is important to honor your feelings especially joy and sorrow. 
Repressing any of these can cause physical health problems.

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