
Bergen - one of the most beautiful cities in the world (feat. Bryggen)

If not the most beautiful one, Bergen is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in the world where one can feel a special something, it is hard to describe, not only joy but bliss !  it feels secure and safe being here not only in Bergen but in Norway. It is one of the best, if not the best country to live.

"Norway has moved up four places to knock Denmark off the top spot as the world’s happiest country, with Iceland and Switzerland rounding out the top four.
According to the World Happiness Report 2017, Norway ranked highly on the main factors found to contribute to happiness: “caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income and good governance”.https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/

 I am trying to compare Bergen with other cities, or Norway as country with other countries, thinking how unsafe the world has become, it is more peaceful in Norway, the people are happier, it is great to be here. The humbleness and the feeling of being home-safe, all at the same time, It is indeed a wonderful feeling, feeling privileged. I am so thankful!

Bergen and the site in Bryggen:   The harbour, the old wooden houses Bryggen is famous about, the wharf, the boats, the sorrounding vicinities,  standing by the fish-market, one would clearly see the panoramic view of those colorful wooden houses built along the way on hills upward /towards  the mount Fløyen, riding the funicular is an experience of its own
the funicular
and one can watch the whole city on a bird's eye view
The birds eye view of Bergen.

Bryggen by night

Bryggen: The pavement and the old small streets of coobled stones from the mainroad and upward leading to one of the oldest streets in Bergen - Lille Øvregaten, is an experience of its own. The experience is the same, I have been there several times but everytime, the excitement is there.

Bryggen, the old wharf of Bergen, is a reminder of the town’s importance as part of the Hanseatic League’s trading empire from the 14th to the mid-16th century. Many fires, the last in 1955, have ravaged the characteristic wooden houses of Bryggen. Its rebuilding has traditionally followed old patterns and methods, thus leaving its main structure preserved, which is a relic of an ancient wooden urban structure once common in Northern Europe. Today, some 62 buildings remain of this former townscape. http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/59


( ved Erik veland)

My own tradition:  I've always saw to it, as my own little tradition before as student, to celebrate after the examines, by playing a tourist I really am and always, to take photos and stroll, then sit down and  eat the skillingsboller ( cinnamon bun) with new-brewed coffee at my favorite place - Baker Brun on the very heart of Bryggen. It became a ritual, a simple yet very meaningful one, to me.

Here is it, the winning combination: A cafe latte or chai, and the skillingsbolle
and the raisin bread. Nam nam !

The famous  and the pride of Bergen - the Skilingsboller
Baker Brun :
Baker Brun

The Haakonshallen:
Dithas and one of the  team-member with Haakonshall on the sideground.

The Bergenshus fortress (Haakonshallen)
We have been there on the area, last saturday and to see the canons
and the dockyard .

The wharf:
By the Bergenfortress, the part of Bryggen wharf where the ships
are and most of the crews are the filipinos, here to disembark
 to greet us the filipino-bergenser.
(This panoramic photo taken last Saturday 11th Nov.)

Bergen is not big, but it feels great being here, and if you read and know the history about Bergen, it will certainly contribute to that intense feeling and the experience is something different. We all know that knowledge about the culture and the history of the city you are going to visit, is definitely of a great advantage for you, a great experience one can have.
I have already on my previous posts about Bergen, featured some photos of the city, but I will do it again. Here are some photos of Bergen.


 (courtesy of Bergen Tourist Board by Robin Strand)

 It is worth  mentioning that Bergen City is sorrounded by seven mountains. I will discuss this on my next post. Bergen is beautiful even during wet season, we have definitely a lot of such wet seasons in between the four seasons. Bergen is indeed, a beaitufl rainy city ! I think one of the most important explanation is because the city is sorrounded by these mountains creating  atmospheric disturbance (ha ha ) resulting to rain. I will try to find better explanation on these phenomenon.
Last Saturday, I have been on a private birthday party of a filipino guy attended by filipinos in Bergen, Oslo and  from Sweden. As usual, the birthday bash was a success, like last year. This time two great filipina opera singer-performer, who were consequently on their Europe tour, has high-lighted the party with their superb and world-class performance. The Nightingales ! What a great talent. I was amazed and got dumbfounded. We were mostly standing, as there were fewer chairs to sit on than there were guests, there among the little crowd of probably 50-60 people. It was announced on the microphone that it was a standing party, no chairs, so we could eat and then dance.

Another performer that evening was a stand-up comedian by the name of Jonjie ( Gregorio Mirabona)

also a Filipino who is based in London. He was such a funny guy! Everybody was happy, what a party! The good filipino food and mixed with something new i don't know the names. And then the
pretty sweet and lovely tasting speciality of Josh, were served.The Torta Cebuana. I called it, Torta a la Josh de Cebuana. To explain: Josh hailed from Cebu City, Philippines, and he is making his own composition of this famous delicacy from the country, we have our own version too in Camiguin Island (where I came from) but Josh version is indeed making one addicted. It is so mouth-watering.
He is selling on order.

The day after, I was insisting that the sopranos go sight seeing in the city, and stroll in the rain at Bryggen. It was very hectic day for everyone, thinking of another happening which the group have to attend Saturday evening, and myself had to report on my evening duty from 14:30, som we had only barely 1.5 hours to spend. The rest of the group have plenty to do and maybe to rehearse for tonight. Tonight's happening is cross cultural attended by performers from different countries, this time at Credo Center.  Sadly for me for I can't be there !

It was raining cats and dog last Saturday. But we needed to see the beautiful city, so off-we were gone to the city. See some of the photos I've taken: 

This photo taken from the veranda of the birthday child Josh (41)
who has the kindest heart to accomodate the Filipina sopranos on his humble
and beautiful abode. with the panoramic view of Bergen.

but the rain didn't stop us from enjoying the little sight-seeing spree under our worned-out umbrellas.

The  Filipino visitor of ours.
I believed I am becoming (after living so many years in this city) a real "Bergenser". Meaning - wet-proof ( vanntett in norwegian) I don't mind anymore walking without umbrella.
This is one of the Nightingales. Her name is Ma. Rhina Palma.

For me, rain in Bergen is just a state of mind ;) You just can't mind it anymore. But the Filipino visitors of ours were freezing out there, yet they have winter outfit on them, but it was cold and windy.  And we had to hurry up, so it was hectic, but full of fun and laughter.
And heres the rest, from the left: Ivy,  Dithas (my cousin from Stockholm, Sweden) Dithas
is incharge of the Filipino sopranos and their team. The other Nightingale - Bianca Camille
and Josh. (I am the amateur photograph using my old Samsung Galaxy A3 (6).
The Nightingales are composed of the to sopranos and they are: Ma. Rhina and Bianca Camille.
The nightingales with the birthday-child Josh David

Two gorgeous, petite, smiling and great world-class sopranos. I will try to feature them and their CD's on my next post. The world is waiting for them, i believe so! We will try to help them on their career,
I already started, in my own little way, like buying the two cd's and by driving them back and forth with my own little old Toyota Aygo, And I bought a little souvenir for the two ladies. A magnetized miniature of the famous Bryggen houses. They were overwhelmed so I got  plenty bearhugs from the girls and and unending  SALAMAT PO ! (in  Pilipino or Tagalog) meaning - Thank you ! or Tusen takk! in Norwegian.These girls love magnetized souvenir minitures to cover their fridge t home with.

So the singers from the Philippines who currently released their albums ( two CD albums)
have also felt the rain and the atmosphere only Bergen can offer. They will come back to this city, I'm sure about it !
It is me on the corner with the eyeglass, as the oldest of them all :)

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