
Inspirational: Another meaningful day at work...as nurse.

Now I have come home and got rested on my sofa, I thought I have drifted for a while, but not really fallen asleep not when I am watchin my favorite detective serie on TV,  Poirot (being a detective, he is a very relaxing one to watch ). Then I got a telephone, It  was the daughter of my patient who called up to tell that her mother had died half hour ago. I felt relieved as it was a natural reaction from one who has been attending on patient intensively to administer the medication on life's absolute last phase. This patient, an old woman, has received a lot of care and love from her dughter who spent hours by her sick-bed. Daughter have also asked me this morning, if i could sing her mother's favorite song, Amazing Grace,  which i did, while holding her mother's hand, I sang the first to stanzas of Amazing Grace, i could feel that my dying patient  heard the song that I sang for her at around 14:35.

It was indeed a beautiful and meaningful experience for me, her daughter, the assistant, and also perhaps the dying old person herself. I also witness the whole episode when this daughter of her rang a long distance call to London hoping to get contact with her sister there who finally got unto phone and made contact with her mother by whispering caring words to her at around  13.30 this afternoon. She died at 17:20, with her daughter holding her hand and with  one assistant assigned to keep company for no one shall die alone,  every-one needs someone, especially on moments like this.

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