
Inspirational: Be generous. Give LOVE especially to those who don't have.

I can talk for several hours on things that matters most to me like kindness, truthfulness, trust, respect, humility, diligence, empathy etc.

For simple people like us, we don't need to aspire so much higher then forget to live a quality life.
What is in it? Quality life for me is the life experience while writing these things, at this very moment. I think and feel that by doing "quality work" like I am doing now, I am also reaching many (hopefully) and then we can talk about "quantity-work at the same time. The more I can inspire with some inspiration in my own little way (thru bloggpost or via FB https://www.facebook.com/Adelle.Acero) the better it is, and it makes my heart leaps with joy. And that is again, a "quality-time" for me.

Yesterday, my musical friend Sølvi visited me with 10 beautiful white roses.

Picture from today.  I've decided to share the roses between Sølvi and me
and gave the 5 roses back to her as a sign of my gratitude and love.
She was happily amazed and gave me a bear-hug.

...and she came with her wonderful friendliness and smile and laughter that surely brighten up and warming up a dark and cold room like yesterday. He he. We both arrived home (at my place with a 1 minute difference) She came straight from her job in Bergen, while I came home from my dentist. I can feel the good energy she is producing ( when she greeted me) and with her energy my own energy system  were automatically being charged too. 
And this is how it works ! Positive-minded and happy people emits positive energy.
 If you meet people that is all too negative minded, you will surely experience an energy drain, your energy reserve will be lesser. This person has no energy reserve him/herself and continues to play the role of energy-depleting than energy giving.

Moral: Try to inspire negative people, give him/her LOVE in a way you only can. 
Think that this person really needs a change in life by becoming less negative and introduce some positive things in his/her life. There are many ways to do it. But your way is unique and focus on that. You take the lead but make it friendly. Make a room for a dialog to take place but most importantly, both have to relax and let the moment unfold. 

I have learned that the best approach you can use for negative, pessimistic, manipulative and difficult
person..is communication with LOVE. Meet this person in a manner where you show you are sensitive to his/her feelings. Show your concern. Be emphatic and try to put yourself in his/her place.
Meet her halfway. Be attentive and show interest and concern but do not overdo. The point is to make this person to relax and to open up a bit so you have topic to discuss about. Be sure you have good time and are not in a hurry. She/he then will know that you are genuinely interested to listen. Your goal is to find out the reasons why this person is too negative-minded and pessimistic. Everyone has a story. Let her tell her story in her own way and own pace. Her story will guide you and give you clue to make you better capable of helping this person. There is time to talk and there is time to listen. This is a work of LOVE.

When you know that you don't have the chance to help this person after trying that hard, then do not persist or persevere. Let her/him go! Try to maintain your pleasant disposition and be conscious with your body-language. Then make  your exit in your usual friendly way and say thanks for the conversation and the time spent with you... (This is probably the time, this person really will remember you and perhaps in this way, a mental process takes place in the right direction, hopefully!)

Moral lessons: You give and you take, and by inspiring others you also will be inspired.
It makes me happy if I can make other people happy through my own little way.
Be generous !

Generosity should be applied on all levels and areas of life. The saying, "It is better to give than to receive" is all true, in my case. time and time again, it pays so much by being generous.




 This is how the universe work. My life is in abundance. I have
genuine people who showers me love, kindness and affection. Their love makes me shine, everyday, I am full of love myself, the love that I can in return give away everyday of my life. This I also call as
universal love.
LOVE is in our hearts and we need to acknowledge and we must use and recycle this essential energy. SHARE IT !
Love it comes in many form, color and sizes, but it all speaks the same language. Unconditional love is the greatest love of them all. It is not expecting anything in return. But you will be amazed of the result for you get much love in return by so doing. I am again talking about being generous. What I am doing now, I am sending love vibrations while writing these lines.
 The world needs only LOVE.

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