
You become what you think

Another word for the day:)
Just like the sayings goes that you will become what you eat!
you will also become what you think !

Trust me.....it is really true...this is based on my personal experience!
I love you folks:) <3

Learn to Love yourself

Learn to Love yourself so you can love others truly
I don't think you really can love other people, not before you have learned to love yourself dearly first!
It should all start within yourself.
When you have learned it truly, then you are ready to spread it out, heartily!

Learn to embrace yourself wholy
to be able to embrace others truly

learn to accept yourself wholeheartedly
by  forgiving yourself thoroughly
for what you thought you did wrong,
You have to remember that nobody's perfect,
you can do mistakes too, like me!

I've learned to forgive myself and learned from my mistakes.
I've learn to face life and look forward to a brand new day...everyday
of my life!

Spread this way of thinking, by being your positive you...for everybody around you! <3

Think positive. Positive thinking creates positive energy

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achives the impossible.
(from an unknown writer).

My life as the life of other people is full of ups and downs.
And it is sometimes heartbreaking to encounter the negative things in life. But it is important to think
that you are not alone. There is always someone who can help and support you when you are in your
saddest moment. And one thing you must know! There is always somebody out there who can or may care if you are open for it....in your heart and in your mind!

I remember my own divorce where my eldest son told me when I was in my most depressed moment,
"Mamma, remember! that when you reach the bottom, there is only one thing that happen, you have to go up again! Then he added! " Husk at det som ikke knekker deg, styrker deg som person"
Meaning, that things that will not break you fully, strengthens you as aperson! it is a matter of giving it due time."

The world is full of negative things, it is therefore important to bear in mind that positive thinking helps. It is but natural to think that positive sayings helps. it is constructive, it gives inspiration. It is like  music for our soul. We feel good when we hear good things about us. We must remember to do the same with other people.
Positive thinking creates  positive energy in us and on other people. Everybody
needs praise, needs love. it is our right, it is a need to receive praise. It is but human.
Let it be a part of your being...to think positive.....no matter what.....
everyday of your life!


Going barefoot.A therapy! (At my childhood place)

People are eager to see or follow my moves during my vacation in the Philippines.

We'll I'm not sure if i go the usual way.

 I am actually planning not to have my watch, my mobile, my laptop on during my vacation.. 

Jeg har tenkt å nulle meg ut..sånn 100%. skifte batteri ha ha!  gå barfot sitte på bakken og grille bananer og søt poteter, samle kokos,plukke avocadoer, papaya etc. som en vanlig jente, uten sko på bene, ha ha !
It will be a therapy for me!

I'll be going primitive, back to the past and back to the nature. Where  my childhood home was. It is still there,  I still remember doing household chores with mother when I was still a little girl. Eldest girls  are  mother's right hand. Now it is my chance to revive and
renew these things, 48 years after. it would be fun ! Thank God mother is still alive and kicking! She is now 79 years old!
And my father is also alive, thank God, he is 82 years old!,
I have my own cottage or a house in Camiguin. My cottage is not far from my parents house. Our place is in the forest like area which is only 4 minutes from the seashore.

I will always remember how it was when i was  a child having  responsibility. And it would be fun to visit my old folks again, 
 even if it is only for barely 14 days this time.

 I would try to carry out my plan and I'm that excited.
There will be no pictures, no films, no camera, just the nature and me and my old folks!:)

Lonesome or lonely?

I am wondering if there's a difference between being lonesome and lonely?

These are findings i got from the net.

I think lonesome is a word to use in place of - sole, only, alone; and lonely would be used for missing the company of another.

Lonesome meaning alone (but not necessarily wanting the company of another) and lonely meaning alone (but wishing for the company of another).

My kind of loneliness:
I think loneliness is  a deeper state, 
than lonesome.
Lonesomeness passes by,like a lonesome mood?
Loneliness is a permanent state?
I'm really not sure about this, but i'm trying to explain
these things just like how it feels for me when i'm on that state
or the other?

That we can find out......later ! :)


Trip to Camiguin Island - Paradise (Philippines)

(From today only four days more to go)

I am counting down the days until I head off for my
trip to the Philippine Islands. Upon arriving Manila, still to head
downward for my island of destination.
To the small island of my birth
called Camiguin-Island Paradise.
it is indeed a paradise, a small island with its 7 volcanoes, lush and virgin forest, natural attractions,
coral reef and fishes.
Camiguin-Island Paradise is one of the most beautiful islands in the Philippines.

Here's the link for you to see:)




The white island is changing its shape

The white island.

Sto Nino Cold spring

The Santo Nino Cold- spring.
Where the temp is as cold as 16-18 degrees c.

Ardent Hot spring.
(up to 40 degrees hot water)

The Katibawasan falls.

The Tuasan falls

The famous "white-Island"

The Mantigue island - also
an island alongside Camiguin,
famous for its nature park and
coral reefs and snorkeling.

Camiguin map

Camiguin whereabouts /and whatabouts

The map of the Philippine Islands

Cottages and outdoor pool.

Lanzones, the pride of Camiguin
Lanzones is a tropical fruit that grows abundantly on the north-central coast of Mindanao. It is said that the sweetest lanzones comes from Camiguin.

From the Lanzones festival


Everyone needs inspiration to succeed.
In my own little way, I give people inspiration.
Inspiring words boost morale or motivation.
Then i wish that one day i hear people say,
"Because of you, I didn't give up! "
or "Now my life is getting better"


Be the "sunshine" yourself!

Wishing each and everyone a pleasant day in the sun ! 
Good morning and be a "sunshine" yourself wherever you go!

My gorgeous nephew - Bernard

My gorgeous nephew, I am sooo proud of you for all your 

courage and achievements here in life! :)


My gorgeous and industrious nephew needs a friend,

Males only <3

Skype address of Bernard: bernardjaculan1983

Bernie programhosting by the Gaisano Mall
in Iligan City, Philippines

My ever charming nephew


Russian girl and Italian/american boy singing Philippine song -"Bisan Pa" - (Even Then)

Når man tilfeldigvis ser og hører en Filippinsk sang (min dialekt t.o.m.)  sunget av en russisk jente og en italiensk/amerikansk gutt med gitar akkompagnement, da blir man bare sååå ydmyk!.

When one see and hears a song from your own country. In this particular case a filipino song sang by two people from two different countries than Philippines, then one becomes so humble !

"Bisan Pa" - Even Then is  a filipino modern love song, sang in duet by a russian girl and an italian/american boy.

I was really taken by surprise! 
And very pleased!
They perform it so well!


Heres the link to you tube.

Anna Rabtsun (from Russia)
and David DiMuzio (from Italia)
performing the beautiful lovesong
Bisan pa (Even then)


Happy Sunday - With ex-mother-in-law !

It is indeed a happy Sunday for me!
For everybody is here!
My three children, my eldest (boy-29)
My daughter (23) and her lovely boyfriend (25)
My youngest daughter ( 18 next month) and her wonderful boyfriend (19)
and......my wonderful    ex-mamma-in-law! (soon to be 73)
For me she is the most wonderful ex-mamma in this world!
She is kind, caring, charming, honest, generous and smiling....
I adore her.
And I know she loves me .... coz she told me so!
This makes me.. a happy and lucky person I really am!

Happy father's day !

To my Tatay (far) Perfecto, and
Lolo of my children (morfar)

For me, Tatay, you are  perfect!