
Going barefoot.A therapy! (At my childhood place)

People are eager to see or follow my moves during my vacation in the Philippines.

We'll I'm not sure if i go the usual way.

 I am actually planning not to have my watch, my mobile, my laptop on during my vacation.. 

Jeg har tenkt å nulle meg ut..sånn 100%. skifte batteri ha ha!  gå barfot sitte på bakken og grille bananer og søt poteter, samle kokos,plukke avocadoer, papaya etc. som en vanlig jente, uten sko på bene, ha ha !
It will be a therapy for me!

I'll be going primitive, back to the past and back to the nature. Where  my childhood home was. It is still there,  I still remember doing household chores with mother when I was still a little girl. Eldest girls  are  mother's right hand. Now it is my chance to revive and
renew these things, 48 years after. it would be fun ! Thank God mother is still alive and kicking! She is now 79 years old!
And my father is also alive, thank God, he is 82 years old!,
I have my own cottage or a house in Camiguin. My cottage is not far from my parents house. Our place is in the forest like area which is only 4 minutes from the seashore.

I will always remember how it was when i was  a child having  responsibility. And it would be fun to visit my old folks again, 
 even if it is only for barely 14 days this time.

 I would try to carry out my plan and I'm that excited.
There will be no pictures, no films, no camera, just the nature and me and my old folks!:)

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