
St.Hansaften i Bergen (St.John's eve in Bergen)

Trip countdown, 1 day more to go for my trip to the Philippines on St.John's day (tomorrow June 24)
So today is the St. Johns Eve (St.hans aften) and the whole Norway and Scandinavian countries are celebrating.
Bergen has its own "tønnebål" or "barrelfire" tradition in Laksevåg as seen on the pictures here.

Scandinavian countries celebrates St.John.
It is also called the Midtsummer.
Midsummer is especially important in the cultures of Scandinavia, Finland and the Baltics where it is the most celebrated holiday apart from Christmas and New Year's Eve. In Sweden the Midsummer is such an important festivity that there have been serious discussions to make the Midsummer's Eve into the National Day of Sweden, instead of the 6th of June.

St.Hans feiring i Bergen.

St. Hans-feiring

Alle hekser og trollmenn er hjertelig velkommen til stemningsfull St. Hans-feiring! 

“Guttene” Tommy Sulen og Tron Jensen kommer. Det blir bål, veteranbrannbiler, hekseverksted, ansiktsmaling, lekeposter, tryllekunstshow og mye mer.

Kafèsalg, salg av rømmegrøt og pølser, is, brus, kaffe med mer.
Ta gjerne med grillmat, vi har grill.
Portene åpner kl. 17.
Begrenset med parkeringsplasser. Rutebilhistorisk forening tilbyr veteranbuss-skyss fra Bryggen hver time. Første buss kl. 16.30.

St.Hans feiring i Bergen
med den tradisjonelle Tønnebål på 

på Video.

The buekorps boys with the barrels in front.
Buekorps boys playing a central and significant part of this
bål/fire tradition.

Men mounting the barrels high up in the sky.

Bergen is building the world's biggest barrelfire.

The tønnebål lighted up and flickering
its mighty fire and warmth.
The famous and traditional tønnebål på laksevåg
(barrelfire in Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway)

This panoramic view as seen from my son's window.
(He lives in Laksevåg and have this view of the barrelfire, lucky him!:))

The children wearing bunad
(the national costume of Norway)


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