
My soulmate

I have found my soul mate!

A soul mate.
Think about a best friend that you have in your life;
the person whom you can talk to, rely on, cry the shoulder on,
call on at any time of night, without getting complains why you call?

Someone who would understand you and not judge you but accept you
for being that person you are!?

If you don't have this kind of friend, be aware that someone, somewhere and someday, this 
soul mate of yours will appear. He will call on you, at any crossroads. 

So open your mind and your heart, for you will get one, and  each of  us will need one!

A soul mate
is the person in the world who knows you better,than anyone else.
That someone who makes you into a better person, you can be!
Yes, but no, actually, they don't make you a better person. 
You do that by yourself because a soul mate inspires you that lead some changes in you!
And transformations can take place.

A soul mate is someone you carry with you forever.
It's one person who knew you,
who has accepted you and believed in you,
before anyone else did; 

or when no one else would!
While searching for perfect happiness in this world, one would stumble and fall,
You would rise again, face a new challenge, with your soul mate
going through the new process can be less painful, cause  believing in her/him
gives you new insight, a new strength!

A soul mate is bound to love, to understand and to guide!
There is no way or no chance that your soul mate would leave you in despair ! 
or abandon you in pain!

She/he is there to stay and be your guide for your search for success and happiness
Where you are bound for mistakes and failures in order to learn and to admire hard
labor for success!

I think I have found my soulmate!
Or he has found me, his soulmate!
With him, I have my faith on, and I don't need to search for anyone else more!

If by chance or by fate,  my soulmate will meet and marry someone else,
Some other being that he met in his life and fall in love with, 
not by own choice
but for other reasons,
so let it be!

For no matter what happens, 
With your love so true,
your love and commitment is your strength, 
and you continue with what you've started,
as a goal
according to your heart, mind and soul,

Seek the road,
and with your heart follow the person you adore,
Talk to him through your mind and heart,
Send him your warm thoughts! 
And regardless of distance, time and space,
through rain and snow, 
and through your dream, 
it can happen;

That your soul mate get the message like a whisper in the air,
and a voice from within!
He will know! 
And you will know!

It feels like that, 
and there's  nothing could ever change from within,
A soul mate will in the process guide you and walk with you through
"thick and thin". 

You will not be alone!
A soul mate gives you light when it is dark,
A soul mate is there,
- to give you a hand, help you stand-up when you fall,
- to give strength when you are weak,
- to give you warmth when you are cold
- to give you inspiration when you are discouraged,
- to bring smile in your face when you are sad!

a soul mate is a source of inspiration

My soulmate, I know, that you are there for me too !
To help me make changes for the better by you!

My soul mate, let's join hands,
together and walk through,
this life's journey
and beyond! <3

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