
Inspiration: Wang Dashun ( Age is really just a number !)

Ifølge  Wang Dashun,
"Indeed awesome, One may become speechless ! "
dreier det seg om sinnstilstand ikke om alder.

- for me, Wang Dashun, is stunning
in his own right ! ;)

Det krever mye selv-innsikt, tro på seg selv og rette-tankegang for å kunne komme i den tilstanden og nivå Dashun beskriver her. Ja og ikke minst, hardt arbeid pågangsmot besluttsomhet og følelse av frihet som menneske og individ.

I believe that every one has the right  to enjoy life and realize their dreams and ambition throughout the whole life. There is really no such things as age limit !

" I believe that as a human being, we can really never say, " I have learned everything about life now, so I will stop studying or learning things ! ....like Socrates, I will say that the more we learned about things, the more we are convinced that we know only a little " and that would practically mean. that I
would continue my journey and study in this life-school of ours..in order to develop myself.

I become a nurse at the age of 58 and it may sounds weird and unusual, that at 55 I still was a student, and you know why? simply because I am not among the usual ones. I dare to be myself and I dare going further and swim against the current, no matter what people think about me and my ideas, I don't bother nor I let somebody bothered me.
I have been through a process in life and the consequence of which I needed to find small alternative ways to survive the material world, while believing that one day I will become a nurse. I love to be inspired by others, knowing that at the end, I will also make and end up with my own decisions. And in return, I can also inspire others. I am happy that I pursued my dream that I have ever since 2001.
I was severely sick on my skin, giving the Employment Office the chance to tell me that I can never pursue my dream of becoming a nurse due to my severe skin problem ( serious eczema and cross allergy that may result to serious skin rashes) and that was 15 years ago. I never cease to dreaming about this dream, slowly and surely, I tried different work and studies on different areas, but I never stopped believing ( and in my head and in my heart, I know I will succeed). My marriage has ended as it was expected that way..it was in 2007. And there were other problems along the way, 4 long years with bad economy. But thank God I was not alone, I was never alone, for I let people to come near me with their inspiring advises and kind and loving support. When I started to doubt, they come on my rescue and gave me hope and told me not to give up. My son (my eldest) has volunteered and granted me a special financial support throughout the four years of my life as a nursing student in Norway. It was a hard life but also excited and inspired in pursuing my ambition.

Love from the family. I was so thankful about the monthly support via automatic transfer from my son's account..approx. kr 15,000 a year x 4. And he also paid for my vacation to the Philippines in 2014. What a son ! He is like a pearl, a seldom one ! And the most amazing part of it all is when my son told me, "Mamma, you don't need to think about the money, nor think about paying me back, for I never regarded these as loan ! "

Angels. I am surrounded by angels, my children, my close friends, my neighbor, my ex-mother-in law. They are all my angels and they gave me...unconditional love <3 <3 <3

Yin and Yang.
Look at the whole picture and learn that everything in life moves in harmony, like Yin and yang, like day and night, like seasons. All are integral part of the universal cycles. Life's up's and downs, are and all the challenges are contributing factors that I consider as part of life. This is how you deal all these that makes your character as a person. Those factors may contribute your failure or your success. If you manage to overcome life's difficulties, you will become robust and nothing can really blow you down anymore. Believe in saying, that things that will not destroy you, will also strengthen you as a person.

My story: I remember when I was young, that hard-work and determination was a key-word for me when it comes to success in life. I wouldn't follow the steps of my brothers, I told myself. I would like to to go to school. These were guiding words that helped me through college while I stayed with my strict grandma. I worked my way through college at my grandma's car-shop. A working-student at 17, I didn't experience life as a teenager. Me and my cousin had a daily routine. We had to wake up at 6 in the morning, pushing through the wet market to buy food for 40 people, then hurry up to cook and then serve the food and clean up after meal. I had 1 hour to do the homework . Time now is 2 p.m. we had to take jeepnies and a tricycles to the other side of the city where the college school was to reach our evening class. I was home at 9:00 p.m....do my homework, and eat my supper and go to bed tired and feeling weary,  day in and day out... No boyfriend, no lies..for 4 long years !
My grandma's strictness, my life experiences from when I was young and including my marriage (for good or bad) all the people that I met, my family, my friends, my studies, my job, my success, my failures, my mistakes, the environment around me,  all these are factors and everything that I have gone through in this life' school, has had made me into the person that I am today, and the learning process continues..

 I believe that once you have determined your goal, then you manage to overcome all obstacle and hindrances. You become a person and your character and personality will also develop depending on your experience but experience alone doesn't give a lesson, in-order to gain knowledge and wisdom you need to reflect on your experiences to learn. They are your best teacher.
There's nothing wrong with being ambitious, but there is something wrong if you treat people wrongly to realize your ambition. You can compare to others, in such a way to become inspired, never to compete with others. You can challenge yourself instead.
There are a lot of temptations and vices. Stay strong and courageous, and have focus. Learn to prioritize.
Remember that time is gold, but remember that virtues like patience, perseverance, fairness, sincerity and respect are worth more than gold.
Be inspired by some useful quotes like: "If others can do it, why can't you?"
"Aim high and hit the mark " - these are your personal challenges.

Be thankful, remember that you are not alone: I thank myself and the resourceful people around me for their love and untiring support. I know it is difficult to deal problems when you feel alone and feeling helpless.

Believe in yourself and take care of yourself. Channel your energy and use them wisely into something positive and constructive. Refrain from meeting too negative minded people, for they will drain your energy. While you are learning to say no to people to protect your self, do not forget to open yourself and say yes to social meetings with people who can enriched your life. You don't need to sit alone with all the problems. Someone out there is willing to extend a helping hand, embrace and accept their help. They are your true friends.

Age is just a number:
Age is really just a number for while you are getting older by number your thoughts are also getting deeper. You are getting wiser. You know deep inside that you like to believe that you are young, and do everything you can to stay younger by eating healthy foods and doing exercise to maintain your vigor. Meditation and yoga increases and sustain your life-force and stamina.

Celebrate life: Enjoy being alive and smile to the world. Smile makes you even younger and prettier.
You are getting smarter with times, and develop your heart so you are more capable of loving more and giving more. Develop and maintain your emotional and social intelligence by mingle and meeting people.

New direction / or redirection : Always look forward. With new insights in life, you know that by looking forward you also need to look at the side-ways. To discover things that help you in your life's journey.
Self-awareness: Try to meditate and raise the level of understanding and awareness into a higher level. Your self-development has reached a little milestone that you should be grateful for. Thank the universe. Remember that as humans we all do mistakes that can lead to failures, but learn not to look at those as failures but ways that takes you nearer your goal, as a successful human being, more loving, more caring and more inspiring,
You gain wisdom and these are your real power.
There is no more fear, there is nothing that can stop you in life !
So you shine like a star.... and continue to shine.
At 60 or 80... every one will be stunned by your light and aura.
Life is really an exciting journey... so go ahead, think that nobody can stop you. You are that brilliant...at the age of 80...a new and exciting life has just begun.

You may wonder why I  brought all these ? the stories of my life alongside with Wang Dashun, I know
it sounds irrelevant but no, actually not.. because. ...."everything is connected"  
This is a significant part of the Holistic thinking. 

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