
Week-end at home nursing

Ny på sykepleie fronten
Ivrig etter å få en spesiell opplæring om administrasjon av en ambulerende Electronic Infusion Device knyttet til en spesiell pasient på et sykehus som vil bruke sin week-end hjemme sammen med familie.Dette er en del av mitt program denne week-end på hjemmesykepleie .

New on the nursing front.

Eager to receive a special training tomorrow regarding administration of an Ambulatory Electronic Infusion Device related to a special patient in a hospital who will spend his week-end at home together with the family. This is one of the most important task I have as head nurse this week-end  at home nursing.  And I know I am going to spend some time driving the car in all directions to attend to my patients. This will be a hectic week-end, I know.  So I hope the weather will be okay from tomorrow until Sunday. Wish me luck, thank you :)

thanks: USmed equipment.com,

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