
You are unique & beautiful!

You are perfectly unique  & uniquely beautiful!

I hear people say I am pretty and beautiful ;
and I believe I am pretty unique with my flaws and imperfections!
With the personality unique of my own, I excel
With other positive qualities I know I have, I try, to give balance to
the negative qualities I have, as imperfect human being I am!

I perfectly don't know how to stand on skis, so i can perfectly fall like "Bambi on ice!"

I haven't learned how to sit perfectly on a bike, so I can start moving from the
football yard, my bike-comfort zone!

I haven't have the chance to learn how to dance, but inside me i feel i  can,
Feeling I have the rhythm I have tried dancing with my boss who insisted,
in last year's Christmas party, on the dance floor i dared to dance and my colleagues didn't notice,
my clumsiness i thought was obvious, 
for they applauded for us, and it felt so weird yet wonderful ;

With a friend and dance instructor, I have been lucky dancing with, in the Phils.
who told me that I was born with some natural grace and flexibility,
So good to know! so there is a hope for me too!

I haven't learned to play the guitar perfectly so i can start play for others!
And I haven't tried to learn how to sing in a way that i can start to sing publicly,
But i sing,  for singing is an important part of my day! Music inspires me!

I can perfectly sing for myself and for the closest people i know,
Singing for the old people is something I have done, and will continue to do!
It is fun, for i know they like the song I sing to them!
The song - Hail Mary full of Grace /Virgin mother of God, it is my brand!

The seniors have requested me yesterday, if I can sing the song once more!
A perfect gift from me they said, when the Christmastime sets in!
I was thrilled, happy and honored with the thought, that i make them happy
with my song!
Yet I sing the song in a language they haven't learned nor understand
for it is a Filipino song, in my own dialect called Cebuano,
It is the second largest dialect in the Philippines,
the second to the national language called Pilipino.
"Never mind" people say, the tune is beautiful ! the spirit you impart to us is meaningful,
 the music goes straight to our heart! "Please sing for us once more!"
And with teary eyed, I heard myself say and to them I promised !
"Yes I will"

The moral aspect of this:
Perfectness shines from our own imperfectness.
when you start to stop being afraid
about who you are!  then you can start to shine!
like light!

People needs inspiration!
You can be a motivator, an example, a role model! 
You can contribute your way!
It is about time to go out of your comfort zone, out of your shell,
So start to say or sing or paint or write!
Let the world know about your happy thoughts and dreams!
You don't need to hide anymore, so go out of your hiding place!
Let the world know and show what you can, 
You are worthy of their affection, care and admiration!
You have a unique talent, everybody has! 
Be strong and be confident!
The world needs you, let them know!
I know you have talent, so it is about time now that you show what you can!
Through poetry, poems and  music; drawing, painting,
inspirational quotes, funny quotes, anything!

Once more, i for one, imperfectly unique and beautiful in my own way,
I sing, i inspire, i share to people my thoughts and my dreams,
I started to shine, in my own light, 
Start giving inspiration to others, mingle with them!
Remember that you are unique and beautiful;
With your own light! let yourself shine!

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