
Useful information about health - (Ideal life - part 3 )

Water is essential for the body's most basic physiological and  biochemical processes.

Even simple dehydration can cause symptoms such as fatigue , headache and loss of appetite .

Prolonged dehydration may increase the risk of serious illnesses, such as kidney stones and certain forms of cancer.

We should focus on drinking around 3 dl. of water for every kilo of body weight.
Feeling thirsty is  a late alert. One should be drinking water that your body needs before that.

 You can determine how good your body's hydration status is , by the color of your urine.

Try to ensure that your urine is light yellow or very light throughout the day .

Tap water should be avoided because of the chemicals it usually contains,
This applies among others, aluminum , chlorine and fluorine. These are concerns we should think about.

If you drink tap water, it should be filtered first.

Distilled water are lacking minerals which have been shown to be beneficial to health , including calcium and magnesium.

Natural mineral water or spring water, is probably the best form of water for regular use .

To ensure that you get enough water for the day, you should have it ready on hand. Carry a bottle of water to drink wherever you go.

(source: Dr. John Briffa - Bursting with health- Keys to optimal health)

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