
The ideal life (part 2)

8. Be generous and exuberant in everything you do. Concentrate on prosperity for all and do not believe that there are not enough (money or food, for example) for everyone.

9.  Refrain from violent behavior and anger. Project no anger at others and not wallow frustration on them.
10. Take time to relax and have fun every day.
11. Offer to help others when you can. It is a virtue to give unconditionally to others.
12. Stick to a clean diet. Choose preferably natural, unprocessed food that balances your body type.
13. Nurture love, trust, affection, purity, compassion, truth and  courage in yourself.
14. Do some exercise to promote well-being and do not overdo it so it drains you from your reserved energy.
15. Work on your past hurts, try to forgive yourself, then forgive others for hurting you. be ready to ask forgiveness to others
Forgiveness is like balm for all wrongful acts in the past.
it is important to go through this process for you to go on with your life.

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