
Hormone imbalance ( and 15 foods you don't need to buy organic)

Dear folks! Please read the following article carefully..and start to think consciously...it is about your body, health and life, we are talking about!...IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO CARE 
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Hormone imbalance (and 15 foods you don't need to buy organic)

Believe it or not there's a "hormone battle" taking place inside all of our bodies on a daily basis. 

And long term health studies have concluded that... 

  *  Men are seeing rapid decreases in testosterone 
  *  Women are at a much higher risk than ever for breast cancer 
  *  Even young girls are reaching puberty 6-12 months earlier than they used to. 

All because we’re being exposed to chronically high levels of hormones through a variety of different pathways that I bet you’re not even aware of. 

Big corporations and agri-businesses are pumping you full of hormones without you probably even knowing it. 

The primary culprit is estrogen (a "female" hormone) that occurs naturally in both men and women. 

But at heightened levels it causes all sorts of health problems, which forces your body to store and hold onto more stubborn belly fat – and pockets of cellulite (even in men).

In other words, our modern way of living is forcing bad estrogen levels to rise dramatically and sneak their way into your body whether you like it or not. 

For example: 

-    Pesticides on your foods contain estrogen-mimicking compounds... 

-    Many of the plastics we all use on a daily basis actually leaks (also referred to as "leaching") synthetic estrogens into our systems... 

-    Cows are given overdoses of extra estrogen so they can produce milk (that you and I drink) at a much faster rate… 

-    And cattle that are supplemented with estrogen and other unfriendly hormones to prep them for your dinner table at a cheaper price... 

In fact, the meat of hormone-treated cows have been found to contain up to 5 TIMES the amount of estrogen as untreated cattle. 

Nasty stuff that we all should be aware of. 

So here are 4 easy diet-tweaks you can use, right now, to reduce bad estrogen (and other hidden hormones) that put your health at risk and stop your body from losing weight. 

#1: Buy more organic fruits and vegetables. I know, it 
can be a bit pricey, so focus on the Dirty Dozen which includes: 

Nectarines, celery, apples, lettuce, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, peaches, potatoes, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. 

Buying "non-organic"? Make sure you stick to the clean fifteen: 

Onions, asparagus, avocados, watermelon, cantaloupe, yams, peas, locally-farmed corn, mushrooms, kiwis, squash, eggplant, pineapple, oranges, and cabbage. 

#2: AVOID corn-fed beef and all farm-raised fish. Buy grass-fed meat 
and wild-caught fish - or buy from a local farmer or farmer’s market. You don’t have to be an organic "freak" or break the bank nowadays to make this happen. 

In fact, you can get some of the BEST tasting food in the world (even meats and fish) from local farmer’s markets at dirt cheap prices... especially at the end of the day when they’re closing up. They need to get rid of all they can, as fast as they can, because they don’t want to take it back to the farm or store.

#3: Do not buy plastics with a recycling symbol with a 3, 6, or 7 listed on it. 

They can "leach" plastic particles into your system that can be VERY estrogenic. 

(Kilde: Thedailygreen)

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