
Wonderful boss !

A little tribute to my boss. (En liten hyllest til min sjef)

My boss is not like any other bosses. Before i left for my holiday to the Phils. he told me:When you come back, I'll be here. Then he was there, my "employer"(for he was the one who employed me, 4 years ago), my best mentor, my confidante, my leader!
( Han er 100%  bølgelengde med meg!)Og han gir meg utfordrende oppgaver  jobben!
Then straight for 11 days, I was working, doing some task for nurses which according to my boss, "I was also capable of doing".  I'm glad i have the experience and the right attitude to it !

And my boss was there for 10 days, den ene dagen som skulle være den elevte dagen gikk han tidlig  hjem for å "avspassere".

Monday this week, he went into his summer holiday. Then he saw to it before he left last Friday, to have arranged it so I could also have free days, not only 4 days off, but 5 days off  which was from Monday until today (Friday)... And what a gift this is to me!!

(Or were the 5 extra days free just a mere coincidence? That it happened because i strongly wanted and silently wished for it? No matter what, the experience of having a new holiday period was real....wonderful! i know i needed it too!)

Now, can you understand when i say, I am so lucky to have a boss like him?

He is like a pearl !
And a person like him, doesn't grow on a tree!

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful evening ! <3

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