

From my sensuality test.
Overall score  - 89%
You are one sensual human being! You are titillated by the sensual stimuli of everyday life, whether it's the smell of flowers, the sensation of silk against the skin, the taste of food, the sound of music, and the rich colors of life that tickle and tease you to ecstasy. Yours is a largely hedonistic attitude, and you deeply enjoy the physical pleasures that life has to offer. A good smell or beautiful color is often enough to keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart.
Since you get so much pleasure from your senses, you are likely eager to experiment in life. This can prove to be quite advantageous, as you can make great discoveries as well as experience a lot of pleasure. Keep in mind however, that being too pleasure-driven can inhibit you from persevering if an experience isn't entirely pleasant. If this rings true for you, a lack of persistence might keep you from attaining worthy goals. Sometimes, you have to wade through dull and insipid periods of life in order to reap the rewards it has to offer. Most importantly, remember that too much of a good thing can be harmful. People who delight in sensual pleasures are at a slightly increased risk for addictions (substance, sex, love, etc.), so try to keep yourself in check. Uninhibited sex, too much chocolate, and fine wine can all induce pleasure, but can get you into trouble if you abuse them.

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