
Birthday celebration ( countdown)

The children (all 3) and the b.f. of my middle one child, were all set to watch Red 2 film in Bergen City, this after watching Red 1
on video at home.
I drove them to the city at  8:45 and the film to start at 9:15 p.m. and to finish
sometime around 11 p.m.

The film expenses is said to be covered by my daughter (middel one)
And by the time the film is finished it is only few minutes to  12 midnight.
The 18th of August, my eldest (son) turns 30..
And this is for him a celebration...

All 4 will find a bar and a restaurant and my son will cover all expenses..
Then i also heard about billiard later on?
I was as usual invited to join them, but this time i declined, for i feel i have to stay home to make preparations for tomorrows small birthday celebration where 3 people are coming...
But...I told the children that I might join them later on tonight...and i saw their face..happy and smiling..

I am so happy that i have children who are so closely related with each other.
A close knit family is every parent's dream...
I guess Iam lucky !:)

And I am lucky who have an ex-mother in law whom i still call mamma for, who is sending messages to me telling that she loves me..

Sometimes "teary-eyed", i write down a reply, I love you too mamma ! <3

The 3oth birthday celebration is gonna be fun..
and we celebrate it as family with few good friends,
in our small, simple  but heartily way! :)

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