
Post dated travel report.

It is now 3 weeks ago since i came home from my holiday in the Philippines
together with the most wonderful travel companion in the world....My ex-mother-in-law, in which i have a genuine good relationship with. She is a very good friend, a reserved mother to me, a very good grand-ma to my three children (29 soon 30, 23 and 18)

I've got some picutre from the trip, but because of the limitations my old Sony Eriksson has, it has only been able to take few pictures. I can show them here.
However, lots are coming but those will come  from my ex-ma-in-law's Mini- I pod.
As you can hear, she is not only a young and vigorous mamma (i still call her mamma!) she is also up dated with the latest technical dju-p-datt!...her Mini I-pod, which she recently bought a cover for...from Victoria Secret...duty free in CDO- Philippines.

I have been so busy since i came home from the vacation that i didn't have time to update my blog.
And i miss it.
Now, i seem to gain some energy and my jet-lag issue is now over, thank God for that!
it was terrible!

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