
My Lifestyle

Foods and diet 

Cocos Virgin oil.
Extra virgin olive oil

Økologisk krydder
Stevia (sweetener)

Kost tilskudd:
Probiotika super 8 (Udo's Choice) – (som kur)

Ayurvedisk kosttilskudd:
Osteozan – Kosttilskudd med 13 div. urter  inkl ingefær. (kan styrke benbygningen)
Lets move –  med 10 diverse urter inklusiv gurkemeie(kan lindre ømme og stive ledd og muskler)

Vitaminer og mineraler
Multivitamins. (helst flytende)
Vitamin B
Vitamin C with Zinc

Melk & Youghurt
Tyrkisk Naturell Yogurt (proteinrik)
Kefir (av og til)

Vann (helst lukewarm)
Grønn te,
Hvit te,
special teas ( fåes fra helsekost butikk)

Mat som du kan spise mye av
hele døgnet: Grønnsaker.

If you have to drink coffe, limit it with 1 -2 cups a day
and put some milk in it.

In special occasion, you can drink wine or any alcohol. In my case I drink

wine during shrimpfest, the second week of July of every year.
White wine is my favorite.

If you have to eat meat, choose the lean one.

Eat fish.


Take your "beauty sleep"
and  strive for 7 hours sleep each night.

Meditate - (this compensate your lack of sleep)

Learn some healthful breathing technique.

Drop bad habits like smoking.

Enjoy your life

Smile everyday.

Strive for balance and harmony
in life.

Be thankful.

Forgive your enemies.

Give and share what you have to the needy!

Be at peace with yourself 

and your neighbor.

Find some hobbies.

Explore the nature,

Take a walk.

Make love.

Practice personal development.0

"Don't worry
be happy"


“Spis deg 80% mett”

or Hara hachi bu (Japanese)

I don't forget to smile everyday,
and the  world
smiles back!

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